Forefather Forefather - Forever In Chains

Walls surround me as the years pass slowly by
Wonder I might have been
Battle-slaughter and a kingdom overthrown
Are only shadowy tales for me

My kingly blood, it has condemned me to this fate
I'll never see the light of day again
How I long to have fought with my brothers side by side
Only death shall end my pain

While kings and men are slain
As royal buildings rise and fall
These walls shall be my home
I'll be forever in chains

Darkness fills me but my dignity prevails
Prison walls are all I know
History unfolds as I am left behind
Trapped within a web of time

The nobility of his forebears, his simple manners
His sound views and honourable judgements
The strength of his body and the fire of his intellect
All these glorify the Earl Wulfnoth
Exile, prison, darkness, inclosure, chains
Receive the boy and forsake the old man
Caught up in human bonds he bore them patiently
Bound even more closely in service to God